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Perfect, Portable Snacks

Woman in FridgeThere are so many articles and posts about ideas for snacks that sometimes the message gets lost in all the noise.  But don't underestimate the importance of having portable, convenient snacks that fit into your wellness routine.  Sometimes having the right snack in your briefcase or travel bag is the difference between being sharp and staying on point for that important meeting, or being sluggish and scattered.  (Not to mention the extra calories that come from grabbing whatever you can find in the vending machine or convenience store!)

So, what should you choose?  The very best snacks will be a combination of both protien and carbohydrate, and will have 100-200 calories.  The carbohydrate will give you energy and protein will slow the absorption of the carbohydrate so you don't "crash" later in the day.  The snack should be something that you can carry with you on the go.  Before you leave for work, those snacks (at least 2 of them) should be packed in your lunch bag, brief case, or travel bag.  Just get in the habit of it.  Here are some of our best ideas:

  • Calorie portioned nut mix
  • Protien bar (1/2 a bar a a time, depending on the calories - read the label)
  • A piece of fruit and small piece of cheese
  • Yogurt
  • 1/2 a homemade turkey sandwich
  • Small can of tuna & raw veggies
  • Hard boiled egg & piece of fruit

Use your imagination!  Find 2 or 3 snacks that are easy for you to prepare and that you enjoy.  Package the snack yourself if possible, but if you're buying prepackaged bars or other snacks, read the label for calories, serving size, carbohydrates, protein, and fat.  Once you land on your favorites, make it a habit to add those snacks in every day.  Research says that 95% of our behavior is unconscious - only 5% conscious!  If that's true, move that all important snacking habit into the unconscious category and focus on your creative pursuits instead.

Here's to simple snacking solutions!

Question of the day:  What is your favorite, go-to, healthy snack?  I'll go first.  You can read my answer below.  


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  1. Carol Nave:
    Apr 22, 2015 at 08:09 AM

    I love the small cans of tuna salad that come with a couple of crackers. 80 calories; 11g carbs; 7g protein; 5 fat (no trans-fat). It comes in a box that has the little spoon, so I don't even think about utensils. It's a great fit for traveling or throwing into my bag. If I'm home, I opt for yogurt.

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