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Top Static Stretches - The Quadriceps Stretch

This stretch is called the Standing Quadriceps Stretch.

It's a simple stretch, but is very effective in stretching out those quads. Start by balancing on one foot and pulling the other foot up behind your buttocks with the hand on the same side as the leg being stretched. Keep your knees together and push your hips forward until you feel the stretch.

  • The muscles being stretched are the rectus femoris, vastus medialis, vastus lateralis, vastus intermedius, iliacus, and psoas major. You may find it helpful in this stretch to hold onto a wall or chair to keep from losing your balance. Remember to hold the stretch for 30-60 seconds at the point of tension and always warm up before stretching!

Quad Stretch







This is the first of our Top Static Stretches Series of posts. Stay tuned for the more great articles on Stretching and Flexibility. *note to always warm up before performing static stretches. It is important to hold each stretch for 30-60 seconds for full benefit.* 

  1. Quadriceps Stretch
  2. Calves Stretch
  3. Achilles and Soleus Stretch
  4. Adductor Stretch
  5. Abductor Stretch
  6. Hip Flexors
  7. Low Back Stretch
  8. Triceps & Lats Stretch
  9. Abdominal Stretches
  10. Upper Back Static Stretch
  11. Hamstring Stretch
  12. The Neck Stretch
  13. Chest and Shoulder Stretch


Lucette., & Clark, C. (2008) NASM Essentials of Personal Fitness Training (p. 139-171)

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