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What is the Daily Dose?

Woman in Kitchen smallMaking daily choices related to nutrition, exercise, stress management, safety and general health is the only way to live a healthy and fit life. In my work as a fitness professional, I have noticed that people want to find a magic pill, or machine, or program that will make them healthy. The idea of "lifestyle change" sounds too difficult. For some, it sounds like a drag. People want a guarantee. And the fitness industry has bought into this desire. They market a product or service with a guarantee in order to appeal to the customer's wishes.

At X Factor we know that the way for you to live a healthy and fit life is to develop healthy habits. And we also believe that you have unique challenges, unique attitudes, and unique situations that impact the way you implement those healthy habits. You must find what works best for you and your situation.

The "Daily Dose" aims to help you do just that. We will be sending you a short message every day in order to share ideas about nutrition, exercise, stress management, safety, or just some good old-fashioned motivation. We will also be offering some challenges along the way to inspire you to take action. Our suggestions are by no means revolutionary nor are they comprehensive. We just want to give you some useful examples of ways you can create a healthy life. We want to be that voice that reminds you that daily, healthy choices add up. Rather than trying to be definitive, we want to inspire you to discover those things that are most effective for you on this journey. If you haven't signed up for the "Daily Dose" yet, we invite you to join us. (Click the "Join Now" button at the top or bottom of this page to sign up.  We'll send you 20 of our best ideas for streamlining your wellness routine.) The simple, small choices you make every day can add up to profound changes in your health and happiness.


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